IDS Borjomi Georgia Helped 327 Needy Families Living in Borjomi.

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IDS Borjomi Georgia Helped 327 Needy Families Living in Borjomi.

IDS Borjomi Georgia handed over 100 GEL vouchers to 327 families living in Borjomi Municipality for purchasing food and basic essentials. The voucher distribution process started on April 7 and, taking into account the existing recommendations, was provided directly by Borjomi municipality. 

Levan Bagdavadze, Vice President of IDS Borjomi Georgia:

“We, as a company with high social responsibility, in cooperation with the Business Ombudsman’s Office, will continue to provide assistance to various vulnerable groups and today we want to support such people living in Borjomi Municipality and give each family a voucher worth 100 GEL to buy basic necessities in one of the supermarkets. I would like to thank the Mayor of Borjomi and the Chairman of Sakrebulo for promptly providing us with information about needy families and helping us in the process of handing out the vouchers in accordance with all the rules”.

David Zaalishvili, Acting Mayor of Borjomi Municipality:

 “I would like to thank the leadership of Borjomi IDS Georgia for such support of our population. The involvement of the business sector is a huge support for the City Hall. In these difficult times, the most important thing is to unite as much as possible and help all vulnerable families, who need our support today”.

It should be noted that IDS Borjomi Georgia has allocated half a million GEL to fight against COVID-19. Out of this amount, 300 thousand GEL has been transferred to the StopCov Foundation, and 200 thousand GEL will be spent on providing drinking water to hospitals and quarantine zones, as well as food and basic essential  for elderly and socially unprotected people.

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